man playing with his grandchild outside.

Magnolia Foundation

What is Magnolia Foundation?

Cut Out Foundation


Magnolia Foundation was created in 1980 with a purpose of supporting our hospital. Since that time Magnolia Foundation has expanded its mission to include not only the needs of Magnolia Regional Health Center, but also other community initiatives that focus on a better quality of life of the citizens of our local communities.




We are passionate about wellness and our purpose is to serve as a bridge to the barriers of healthcare. Our wish is for everyone in our communities to be healthier and happier.

YOU can join a community of monthly givers!



Vision, Mission & Values

  • Our Vision:  To create a culture of philanthropy that will transform the lives of our communities and our donors
  • Our Mission: We work to ensure a future of good health and quality of life, right here at home
  • Our Values:
    • Stewardship – Trustworthy guardian and administrator of the possessions of the Magnolia Foundation, to always be managed within the scope of the Mission and to the benefit of the focus areas as designated by the Board of Directors.
    • Giving – Request for voluntarily monetary support, community assistance and support and the issuance of funds to benefit the focus areas as designated by the Board of Directors.
    • Benevolence – Practice the traits of goodwill, kindness and compassion
    • Leadership – Become a strong guidance in the community toward positive initiatives for the good health of the people.

Featured Project: Corinth Alcorn Assistance Agency

Magnolia Foundation is excited to be able to provide $5,900 in funding for the Corinth Alcorn Assistance Agency “Blessings and Blankets Bags” for the homeless as well as the “Meal Experience” program for people in our community that are in need. These bags include basic items like gloves and hats, socks, toiletries and miscellaneous food, including the bag and will serve up to 70 people. The meal experience will help up to 20 people with grocery vouchers for essential food items. Magnolia Foundation is working hard in OUR communities to make a difference in the good health and quality of life, right here at home.

Pictured below are Corinth Alcorn Assistance Agency Board Members Bonnie Bell, Tina Bugg, Kim Ratliff, Elizabeth West, Tracy Moore (Executive Director Magnolia Foundation) Lisa Spencer, Joe Rinehart and Jennifer Taylor.


Featured Event: 17th Annual Dr. Mark S. Wells Memorial Golf Classic



Apply for Funding from Magnolia Foundation.

For more information please contact:

Tracy Moore
Executive Assistant to CEO/Magnolia Foundation Executive Director
611 Alcorn Drive
Corinth, MS 38834