What Does Blood Work Show?

January 21, 2022 11:17 am Published by

blood work.

Regular blood work is necessary to keep your good health on track.

You care about your health, so you visit your primary care provider—even during a pandemic. At your annual exam, your height and weight get measured. A nurse takes your blood pressure. You discuss any changes in your health. Occasionally, blood is taken for some tests. But what does that blood work show?

An Inside Look at Your Body

When you’re sick, a thermometer lets you know you have a fever. A fever means you have an infection or illness. In many ways, your blood does the same thing. It acts like a thermometer, giving a peek at what’s going on inside your body.

With a blood test, your primary care provider doesn’t have guess at what’s ailing you. For example, your blood helps your provider determine if constant tiredness is from anemia, infection or something else. Blood work can help diagnose immune system disorders. A health professional can use your blood sample to measure your risk for several dangerous and deadly diseases.

When and What Tests You Need

Blood tests are powerful tools. To take advantage of them, you’ll need to get the right ones. While many blood tests get ordered only when needed, some should be performed on a routine basis.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)—This is the blood test you’re most likely to undergo at your annual exam. It helps diagnose immune system problems, blood cancers, anemia, infection and more.

Cholesterol test—Lots of bad cholesterol and little good cholesterol is bad for your heart. With a cholesterol blood test known as a lipid profile, you can keep an eye on how much cholesterol is in your blood. Healthy adults should undergo this test every four to six years. Your provider may ask you to not eat or drink prior to the test.

Diabetes test—A few blood tests are available to help diagnose diabetes and prediabetes. Some require you to fast beforehand. Others don’t. If you have good blood sugar levels and no risk factors for diabetes, get tested every three years. Have risk factors? More frequent testing may be necessary.

An Important Diagnostic Tool

The right blood test at the right time gives you the upper hand. It helps your provider determine your risk for some diseases and identify diseases you’re currently experiencing.

On top of testing for cholesterol, diabetes and anemia, blood tests serve many purposes. They check if certain medications are working. They also help diagnose other conditions, such as:

  • Blood clotting problems
  • Heart attack
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and syphilis
  • Thyroid conditions

To sum it up, your blood work provides a window into your overall health status. Talk with your provider to ensure you get the right tests for your blood. Then use these tests to take control of your health.


Need to get your blood checked out? Schedule an appointment with a primary care provider at Magnolia Regional Health Center.

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This post was written by Magnolia Regional Health Center